Cornellians are united by a shared purpose.
Cornellians are united by a shared purpose.
Scroll to do the greatest good
1“My ruling desire is to dispose of so much of my property as is not required for the reasonable wants of my family, in a manner that shall do the greatest good to the greatest number of the industrial classes of my native state, and at the same time to do the greatest good to the state itself, by elevating the character and standard of knowledge.” 1
By 2026, Cornell University seeks to raise at least $5 billion and connect at least 200,000 Cornellians to one another and the university. Together, we will help Cornell remain an educational beacon, a source of solutions, and a bridge to the world.

“ Anything that you could possibly imagine wanting to study, Cornell offers it.” 22 Katy Jensen '24

“ It's not that we have silos of excellence. We're actively working to have communities communicate with one another to solve the toughest problems.” 33 Professor Praveen Sethupathy '03

“ Cornell prepares everyone to be a global citizen and to make the changes and be the changes that they want to see in the world.” 44 Lotoya Francis '22
What can any one person do?
Cornellians everywhere are joining this campaign to make a lasting difference for the world.